becoming a holistic health coach
How did you become a Holistic Health Coach?
I enrolled at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). I had asked a friend what she thought of it when I was feeling a calling to become a Health Coach. I somehow heard the term Health Coach and was very interested in becoming one, even though at first, I wasn't even sure what that really meant.
How did you know The Institute for Integrative Nutrition was the right school for you?
I looked into a couple different schools when I was first looking into becoming a Health Coach. I read through IIN's website, watched a few videos of Joshua Rosenthal, the founder, describing what they do and believe in, I immediately felt deep in my heart that this is where I need to be. I spoke to a woman from the school a few times and got as much information as I could. She then told me to think everything over for a week and she would call me.
During that week, I thought about it a lot, it was a big financial decision. Two days before my call with her, someone crashed into my car and totaled it. Not only was I physically shaken and defeated, but this did not seem like the right time to jump back into school and add more to my pile of student loan debts still existing and accumulating from college. When she called me, I wanted to say no, and that maybe next year I would be interested, but what came out of my mouth was a solid YES. I'm so thankful and proud of myself for saying yes, it was the pivot point that shifted my world and inner purpose leading me to dive so deep into myself, my health, my relationship with my boyfriend, develop my dreams and allow myself to say what I want. It greatly changed my life for the better and I am so thankful for that.
Do you think that IIN is the best school for becoming a Health Coach?
I think that it is an amazing school and it was the best school for me. There are many different schools and avenues to become a Health Coach and I think if you are looking into becoming one, it's important that you find the right one for you. You will know, you'll get a feeling that takes over your whole body and it will feel right.
Please feel free to reach out to me as I am more than happy to answer any questions you have about becoming an Integrative Health Coach, and if you have questions regarding the IIN program.